Friday, January 30, 2009

4th Meeting (Jan 30): James 1:22-27

Passage: James 1:22-27

- being doers of the Word

What it means:
- when you read Scripture, to absorb - not let it pass from one ear to the other
- pride: everyone does not want to change when Scripture challenges their lifestyle
- reading vs applying the Bible... reading superficiallly ... living normally

How to resolve disconnect:
- ..

- Personal: Josh's life (regular devotions)
- Devotional: meditating, reflecting, not just reading / memorizing superficially
- Bible verses/passages: help in times in need
- applying v19-21 in Sports (team sports): competitive, but different levels of skill

Resolving the disconnect:
- rewarded if you follow instructions (remembering what God's Word says & applying)
- "looking intently" into the Word, "perseveres"
- i.e. put your effort into reading / memorizing, and actively hang on


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