Friday, January 30, 2009

4th Meeting (Jan 30): James 1:22-27

Passage: James 1:22-27

- being doers of the Word

What it means:
- when you read Scripture, to absorb - not let it pass from one ear to the other
- pride: everyone does not want to change when Scripture challenges their lifestyle
- reading vs applying the Bible... reading superficiallly ... living normally

How to resolve disconnect:
- ..

- Personal: Josh's life (regular devotions)
- Devotional: meditating, reflecting, not just reading / memorizing superficially
- Bible verses/passages: help in times in need
- applying v19-21 in Sports (team sports): competitive, but different levels of skill

Resolving the disconnect:
- rewarded if you follow instructions (remembering what God's Word says & applying)
- "looking intently" into the Word, "perseveres"
- i.e. put your effort into reading / memorizing, and actively hang on


Friday, January 23, 2009

3rd Meeting (Jan 23): Themes + James 1:19-21

Themes (as listed in NIV Study Bible)
- Living Faith
- Trials
- Law of Love
- Wise Speech
- Wealth

Brainstorming: Themes
- Prudence
- Honesty (v22)
- Temperance (v19) - analogy: tempering metals -> hardening, shaping character
- Humility (v9-11) - life is like a vapor
- Acting on the Word (v22-25) - analogy of looking in the mirror

This Week's Study Passage
James 1:19-21 
- quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to be angry

Memorizing not an end but a means to equip ourselves. Focus on applying this week's passage to your life and use memory and meditation / reflection to internalize what you learned.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

2nd Meeting (Jan 16): James 1:1-18

Summary of our discussion (feel free to add further thoughts through comments):

The book of James
- practical

v8 talks about being double minded
- faith & trusting vs tossing & turning
- also refers to Christian faith in general: we shouldn't second guess God, His love for us, ...
- when you pray, do not doubt

v2-4 endurance, patience, perserverance ... developed through trials 
- allow these tough times to refine and complete your character
- try to seek God's will in both good and tough times

v5 lacking wisdom? ask God, who gives generously to all ...

For those who have made it this far (i.e. clicked on the link to this blog, and read this, I want to challenge you to do something else)

- Pick a verse or a couple verses that you want to apply to your life 
- Meditate on it and commit that verse to memory
- Post up on this blog or email your small group (accountability)
- Share about how this verse has helped you or helped you help someone else (encourage one another)

Friday, January 9, 2009

1st Meeting (Jan 9): Introduction

FRIDAY, JAN 16, 2009
3-5 PM
ISC, Pendarvis Room
Athletes for Christ
from our glory to His

Vision for Winter 2009:
Going through the book of James and focusing on developing deeper relationships with God, with one another, and with those around us.

Importance of Corporate and Personal Vision
- Corporate: Where do we want to go as a cell group?
- Personal: Where am I now and where do I want to be?
- Importance: Direction, helps us to stay on track, not aimlessly wandering

Why Bible Study?
- Hebrews 4:12
- Connect with our God
- Why James? Offers very practical advice on living out the Christian life

Why Small Group?
- Hebrews 10:19-25, Hebrews 12:1-2
- Community, deeper friendships, accountability, and fun!

Basic Approach for Bible Study - 5 Key Steps
1. What is James trying to say to the Jewish Christians?
2. How does this apply in our day, culture, and society?
3. How does this apply to me?
4. What is one thing I will apply this week?
5. Personal Memory Verse(s) for the week

Sharing and Prayer
- Pray for at least one person consistently throughout this week


What is God trying to tell you this week?